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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Beowulf Epitaph Directions

You are to write an epitaph for the warrior king Beowulf or for another literary or cultural hero.  Your epitaph will take the form of a poem written in imitation of Anglo-Saxon poetry.

The requirements of your poem are as follows:
  1. A minimum of six lines
  2. Caesuras breaking up each line
  3. Alliteration carried throughout each half of the line
  4. A minimum of three kennings
  5. Use of sense imagery
  6. No use of rhyme
  7. Use of elevated language
Graphics component:
  1. Your poem must be illustrated.  Keep appropriate to the time period of your hero and the occasion.  If you select an old-fashioned font, make sure the font is easily readable.  Also make sure your poem is not washed out by the illustration.
  2. Your name should appear on the front of your work.

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