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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Review Sheet for Sectionalism & Civil War Test

Part 1 of the Sectionalism & Civil War Test will focus on the Civil War map and writing sections.
Part 2 will focus on true-false, multi choice, & fill-in questions, and the extra credit map.

  1. Know the Civil War Map; Compromise of 1850 map is Extra Credit 
  2. Key questions & terms: 
1850s: Sectional crisis

A. Key Questions:
What was the sequence of events/incidents that occurred from the Compromise of 1850 to the Election of 1860 that steadily weakened the Union/destroyed compromise and increased the polarization of the country? [BIG QUESTION—MULTIPLE PARTS—use both book and handouts for this Qn.]

Compromise of 1850, popular sovereignty, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Free Soilers, Border Ruffians, Bleeding Kansas, Beecher's Bibles, Lecompton Constitution, Brooks vs. Sumner, Dred Scott Decision, Lincoln-Douglas debates, Raid on Harpers Ferry, John Brown, treason, Election of 1860, escalation/acceleration of disintegration, compromise, Democrats, Whigs, Republicans, Abolitionists, Fire-eaters

The Civil War

A. Key Questions:
  1. What were the two sides fighting for—their respective causes? (potential essay)
  2. Strengths & weaknesses of Confederacy? Union? (potential essay)
  3. How many theaters of operation were there?
  4. Goals/strategies of each side?
  5. Turning points—key engagements/moments? How did the North win?
  6. Aside from the military impact, what changes—political, social, & economic—were wrought by the War?
  7. What was Lincoln's postwar plan for the South? The Radical Republicans? (Will not be on the test)

Secession, Confederacy, Union, Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Rebels vs. Yankees, offensive vs. defensive warfare, volunteers, draftees, paid substitutes, Anaconda Plan, blockade vs. blockade running, total war, guerrilla war, new technology...

Southerners: Lee, Jackson, Longstreet, Johnson [2], Forrest....; Northerners: McClellan, Grant, Sherman, Reynolds, Thomas...

Bull Run/Manassas, Antietam, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, Sherman's March to the Sea, Appomattox, other major engagements...&... confusion of names[-ing]

Foreign Affairs— King Cotton, Britain, France, Trent Affair, Mexico & Maximilian;

Domestic Affairs: home front, draft riots [esp. NYC in summer of '631, war profiteers, greenbacks, taxes, Emancipation Proclamation, contraband, Gettysburg Address, 2" Inaugural Address, Radical Republicans, War Democrats, Peace Democrats, Copperheads, conspiracies, suspension of civil rights, assassination, John Wilkes Booth


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counters since 9/18/09