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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Summer Reading Poem

In a direct address or poetic apostrophe, the poet speaks to a subject that is unable to respond, as does Robert Burns in “To a Mouse,” where he uses the mouse as a symbol of the forces beyond man’s control.

In a panegyric, or ‘anthem’ if you will, the poet commemorates or celebrates something of significance, be it a national event, figure or value.

You will be composing one of the two types of poem. First, you must decide if you want to write about your philosophy of life or if you want to pay tribute to something. If you are writing about your philosophy, you will compose an apostrophe. If you are celebrating something, you will compose a panegyric. In the case of the apostrophe, you will need to carefully consider the entity to which your poem directly speaks. Make sure that the subject you are addressing works smoothly into your theme and is not forced; it may be animate or inanimate. Both poems must be thoughtful and serious.

Requirements are as follows:

  1. approximately 24 lines
  2. use of elevated language
  3. consistent stanza form, rhythm and rhyme
  4. use of sense imagery in every stanza
  5. use of at least one of the following in every stanza: simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole (over-exaggeration), understatement, or onomatopoeia 
  6. alliteration in every stanza
Due Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009

1 comment:

  1. If you dont want anybody to post anonymously, why put the option? honest question. seriously. YAY FOR SENIORITY SWEATSHIRT.


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counters since 9/18/09